The Odds and Ends Furry Art Gallery


Chris and Sabrina - image © by EWS

Last update: September 30, 2000
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Design by Packard Melan

"Maxx" in his early days -- not bad! Remember, Sabrina used to ice skate? "Maxx" did a beauty, waddaya think? Sabrina wearing her contact lenses
Busted! Max caught peeping from the roof across the street, caught by "Maxx"-- not the same Max, a different Maxx ... uhm ... you get it ... I think ... A classic scene from Deathmatch ala Sabrina's favorite video game Quake -- and howzcome I only get a shotgun, huh? Ask "Maxx" why I can't have the nail gun! The product of an inside joke you'd never understand! Something from "Maxx" during our 3-way e-mail chats between him, James Bruner, and me
Lookit me, I'm an artist! When I was learning how to use Adobe Photoshop 5.5, "Maxx" sent me this outline, and the coloring is all mine! Maxx poses with me as his picture comemmorates his being the 4,000th visitor to Foxx Den's Mirror Site A gift from Maxx and Whip-Lash, until recently not able to be posted per request of Eric Schwartz. Now for all the world to enjoy! I love this picture!